This is a submission to the Brackeys Game Jam 2020.2

In Adoptatron 8000 you are trying to adopt a puppy. But the A.I. in charge of the refuge might have other plans for you...

What pet were you allowed to adopt? Comment below to compare!

If you have other comments (good or bad), please write them as well as it will greatly help me improve :) 

Thanks for playing!

Known bugs:

  • During initial dialogue, the blinking cursor sometimes appears at the beginning of the line, instead of at the end.
  • After finishing the game once, if you replay, the answer buttons don't render anymore. Reloading the page solves the issue.

Software used:

  • Game engine: Unity 2019.4.6f1
  • Graphics: Inkscape
  • Music: Bosca Ceoil
  • Sound effects: BFXR

Development log


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133 patience no idea if that is good i like cats better then dogs anyway

I love that game, ¨Lord Corgi¨ is a great touch

Haha, thank you for playing!

Lord Courgi lol Nice little game here!

Congratulations! Thank you for playing!